The Hellenic Society for Biomaterials


The Hellenic Society for Biomaterials (H.S.B.) was founded on the 18th June 2004. The Hellenic Society for Biomaterials is aiming at the promotion of Science and Technology of Biomaterials in our country, encouraging the scientific research and collaboration in the sector of Biomaterials. Another objective is the promotion of its members, which work in institutions of higher education, research centres and companies, in the specific area of Biomaterials. Its founding members originate from faculties of sciences of health, faculties of positive sciences and polytechnic faculties with any attribute (clinical, researcher, teaching) and have direct relation with Biomaterials and applications of these. Members of H.S.B can become graduates of higher education institutions as well as persons in charge of commercial, craft-based or industrial enterprises in the area of Biomaterials. The aims of the Society will be achieved with each scientific means and mainly are:

– Results of original research work that will be presented in congresses and HSB meetings.

-Collaboration with other scientific Greek and foreign companies, and exchange of information of common interest between scientists of different directions, as well as with lines of seminars with invited specialists.

– Planning and support of studies and research.

– Organisation of Seminars, Meetings, Congresses, Publication of Scientific Papers